“How Equinix and Equinix的基础 are helping to advance digital inclusion for students at Nashville’s 澳门皇冠赌场平台”
Digital inclusion has become an increasingly critical issue as the pandemic brought greater visibility to disparities in internet access. With more aspects of life requiring access to the internet—everything from healthcare and education to 业务 and government services—the disadvantages caused by the digital divide and inequitable access have only deepened. 此外, internet connectivity and digital skills have become fundamental to getting a quality education and being eligible for many of today’s job opportunities. 然而,世界三分之一的人口——2.70亿人仍然无法上网.
在美国, 由于缺乏高速互联网接入,历史上被边缘化的社区进一步处于不利地位. The digital divide disproportionately affects Black Americans: 38% of Black households lack high-speed fixed broadband (compared to 23% of white households), 31%的人没有电脑,50%的人缺乏在社会上茁壮成长所需的数字技能. 今天的公共基础设施不能充分为黑人社区服务.
Inequitable access to technology and connectivity has also impacted historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs)在美国.S. HBCUs often have substandard digital and IT infrastructure that’s prohibitive to the best possible learning environment. 为了解决这个问题,组织喜欢 澳门皇冠赌场平台 在田纳西州纳什维尔和#BlackTechFutures研究所 are collaborating with Equinix和 Equinix的基础 to address funding for IT infrastructure and research, 技术教育和弥合种族技术差距. And we’re inviting other companies and corporate philanthropies to join us in addressing this critical and relatively underfunded area of need.
数字不平等与社会和经济不平等之间的联系是显而易见的, 然而,在全球和本地,解决数字鸿沟仍有许多工作要做.
The concept of “digital redlining” articulates the real underinvestment in digital infrastructure for lower-income communities, 尤其是有色人种群体. 根据国家数字包容联盟(NDIA), “数字红线”对城市或地区某些地区的人们产生了不同的影响, 最常见的是以收入为基础, 比赛, 和种族.”v This idea explains why historically marginalized communities are more likely to experience lower internet speeds at higher costs. 这些差异甚至延伸到历史上被边缘化社区的高等教育机构, 比如澳门皇冠赌场平台, 在哪些地方数字访问是必不可少的.
扩大可靠, 负担得起的, high-speed broadband access is essential to ensure that underserved communities and 教育机构 have equal access. 政府, private companies and community organizations have launched many initiatives to tackle the digital divide and racial tech disparities 在美国nited States, 但数据显示, 还有很长的路要走. 现有的举措中,没有足够的举措把整个黑人社区的需求放在核心位置. 继续前进, 业务, 教育机构, government and private philanthropy must work together with technical experts and the next generation of leaders. 我们都有重要的角色要扮演.
澳门皇冠赌场平台是美国顶尖的hbcu之一, 也是纳什维尔最古老的高等学府——已经成为数字鸿沟的受害者, 就像美国许多为少数族裔服务的机构一样.S. 除了在《澳门皇冠赌场平台》所有美国大学中获得第一名之外.S. 大学的学术效率, 澳门皇冠赌场平台培养了杰出的校友, 罗德奖学金入围者, 创记录的起薪和学生成绩可与全国顶尖学府相媲美. 然而,, the university—and the surrounding community—lacks the bandwidth needed for the best learning and career opportunities. Low bandwidth and wireless infrastructure failures frequently disrupt students’ education and prohibit an effective learning environment.
- 宿舍网络连接缓慢且不稳定
- 被限制在图书馆和一个演讲厅工作,那里的Wi-Fi连接最强
- 在在线考试、实习或工作面试等关键澳门皇冠赌场平台期间,互联网服务中断
- 由于连接问题,讲师感到沮丧和课程取消
- 为了在线学习的可靠连接,必须自掏腰包购买个人热点
These problems are unconscionable at a time when digital access is so critical for academic and career success. 澳门皇冠赌场平台 and other HBCUs play an important role in creating digital leaders of the future and addressing racial disparities in the tech industry. 事实上, the 澳门皇冠赌场平台 Data Science program is the first dedicated undergraduate data science program at an HBCU as well as in the state of Tennessee.vi Addressing digital redlining and creating strong digital infrastructure to support effective learning at Fisk and other HBCUs is a necessity.
最大限度地发挥数字经济的潜力, it’s obvious that entire segments of the population can’t be left behind—including students who’ve proven ready to lead in our collective digital-first economy. The tech industry has an important role to play in supporting better investment in internet connectivity for minority-serving institutions.
Equinix于2020年开始与澳门皇冠赌场平台合作,开展实习项目. 作为实习生加入我们的人才水平令我们震惊, 我们决定通过为菲斯克学生教授发展课程来进一步发展这种关系. 当我们到达校园时,我们遇到了这个国家最优秀的学生. 但我们惊讶地发现,这里距离著名的百老汇街和纳什维尔市中心只有两英里, 在一所高等学府,未来领导人的思想正在被塑造, 没有足够的带宽来完成一个视频通话.
Equinix和 Equinix的基础 are working to create a more digitally inclusive future by partnering with 澳门皇冠赌场平台 to help bridge the digital divide and provide students the best opportunities to excel in a high-tech world. 通过这种合作关系, 我们采取了一种全面的方法来满足多个领域的需求, 包括以下措施:
- equinix赞助的面向澳门皇冠赌场平台学生的前端开发和全栈开发课程, 以及Equinix员工的志愿者支持,为学生提供同伴指导和辅导
- 菲斯克学生在Equinix的实习项目, 同时也为学生和实习生提供了Equinix的招聘途径
- A four-year commitment by Equinix的基础 totaling $1 million to fund 澳门皇冠赌场平台’s technology infrastructure modernization plan
菲斯克的学生和Equinix的实习生一直表现出对学习的热情, 在他们获得技术专长的同时进行合作并享受乐趣. 他们以实习生和员工的身份回馈Equinix, 以及科技行业的未来. We’re excited and proud to invest in the university’s technology foundation—which will benefit all students and create a more effective learning environment.
Equinix的基础 is also awarding a two-year grant to the #BlackTechFutures Research Institute to continue its work using data, 来创造和加强集体黑科技的未来. #BlackTechFutures Research Institute is building a national network of city-based researchers and practitioners conducting research on sustainable local black tech ecosystems. 这项工作的成果是可操作的政策建议和国家公共数据档案.
These initiatives with 澳门皇冠赌场平台 and #BlackTechFutures Research Institute are a continuation of the work of Equinix and Equinix的基础 to help bridge the digital divide. 例如, 今年早些时候, we shared that Equinix is offering free internet access for ISPs in three states to serve disadvantaged communities as part of our signatory 合作伙伴hip with the 首席执行官种族平等行动 奖学金. Equinix基金会最近宣布了一项为期三年的资助 世界的脉搏 支持他们的工作,加速全球妇女和女童的数字包容.
我们对澳门皇冠赌场平台的承诺, #BlackTechFutures and other organizations is rooted in a holistic trust-based approach to philanthropy that involves collaborating and partnering with organizations to address multiple areas of need.
但需要更多的资源来解决美国黑人社区和学生的数字鸿沟.S. 我们邀请了其他科技公司, 合作伙伴, 非营利组织和员工加入Equinix和Equinix基金会,共同解决这个问题. 如果你正在寻找更多参与创造更具数字化包容性的未来的方法, 联系Equinix基金会.
要了解更多澳门皇冠赌场平台Equinix的基础的信息, 访问我们的网站.